This is another Satan's Den ritual performed by our High Priestess Erin on the Month of the Dead celebration for 45 days. This is an insatiable lust request that Erin presents to his Majesty through Liarde Code so that His Majesty will grant the request and the target will become chained to the seeker in lust and sex. It works best when you already have a sexual relationship with the target.It can only be done once a year from Sept to early December.
In Satan's Den: Satanic Insatiable Lust by Erin
If we do not receive this form we will not be able to process your order.
Process: step 1. Fill out all the requirements step 2. upload your pictures in the order form or send pictures to Erin step 3. Erin will prepare your order step 4. your order will be sent to scheduling 24 to 72 hours after being prepared step 5. check your spam folder step 6. receive your notification of the dates of the spell step 7. receive your one-time notification of your order being cast. Warning ⚠️ Not sending pictures or info will result in scheduling delays!!